Ei Kuole Koskaan

Release date: April 12, 2019
// Cat#: -


Omasta Naamasta Nuolen
Vaivoin Ehjä, Vaivoin Vain
Pala Auringosta
Maanantain Armolahja
Tavat Ja Tarpeet
Ei Kuole Koskaan
Hunter S. Nixon


200 pcs orange color LP
300 pcs black LP
400 CD
100 Cassette – limited edition

Linear notes

Tryer guitarist Tuomas:

“I think the excitement and candid approach of making this record can be heard clearly. We are taking a step towards our hardcore roots and just wanted to make insane songs, which resulted in our most intense and best sounding album to date. To achieve this, we chose to work with Kurt Ballou who combines awesome professional quality with dirt, grit and haste that is the essence of Tryer’s chaotic world… I think you can hear the process in the songs as sounding spontaneous and surprising, but still consistent. All in all, this was our easiest record to make. We disregarded all unnecessary expectations and just wanted to make insane songs which are fun to play. And I think that is exactly what we managed to make!”



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